Monday, December 6, 2010
Blog break!
Well, I have taken a 4 month blog break from HOPE for the home. I'm pregnant and my brain doesn't seem to be able to handle more than my everyday family stuff right now. I hope to continue blogging here in the future, but haven't really had much motivation lately. I haven't been promoting my business this last year or so either, so I feel like this is just kind of a dormant season while I am learning how to be a better family manager and organizer myself. I can't imagine how much I am going to learn with 2 children. I still have organizing on my brain, just not enough to come up with blog topics. We'll see what happens! Merry Christmas!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Amazing Pantry

Check out this pantry redesign. From the quatrefoil stencil to the labeled canisters, I am amazed. It's beautiful. I love all of the different things she used to organize pantry items.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Taking Toy Organizing to the Next Level
I love this blog and all of her great craft tutorials. Today, she featured her son's toy organization and it rocks. Check out this mommma and her great ideas.
I Am Momma Hear Me Roar
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Bento Lunches

I love this blog I found that shows the cutest lunches in the world. It makes me want to eat healthier and I know it must help kids eat a variety of healthy foods.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Do you have stairs?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Hanging Shoe Organizer

I have always shared that hanging shoe organizer can work in most closets for most accessories and toys. Here is a great post from Apartment Therapy to reaffirm this great organizing tool.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
New Organizing Book
I saw this book in Border's yesterday and spent a minute flipping through it. It is fabulous! If you are looking for a way to clean out and organize, but aren't interested in spending money on an organizer or doing a marathon weekend, this book is for you.

"With a unique week-by-week approach, Organize Now! gives readers simple and effective tools to organize every aspect of their lives. Jennifer Ford Berry walks the readers through each step of the organizing process for 52 different topics, dealing with each topic one week at a time. Organize Now! is not only easy-to-use but covers a wide variety of topics from paperwork, time management, mental clutter, pets and specific rooms to special events such as moving or vacation planning. The advice is proactive, straightforward and presented in checklists so that readers can see immediate results as they work. Advice for monthly and yearly maintenance is provided. Due to the structure of the book, readers can follow the book from start to finish for a full organizational makeover, or work through the book in any order they wish, targeting the problem areas for their life."

"With a unique week-by-week approach, Organize Now! gives readers simple and effective tools to organize every aspect of their lives. Jennifer Ford Berry walks the readers through each step of the organizing process for 52 different topics, dealing with each topic one week at a time. Organize Now! is not only easy-to-use but covers a wide variety of topics from paperwork, time management, mental clutter, pets and specific rooms to special events such as moving or vacation planning. The advice is proactive, straightforward and presented in checklists so that readers can see immediate results as they work. Advice for monthly and yearly maintenance is provided. Due to the structure of the book, readers can follow the book from start to finish for a full organizational makeover, or work through the book in any order they wish, targeting the problem areas for their life."
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Organization Tips from Bloggers Everywhere
Today at Kelly's Korner, she has a linky on organization. Check it out!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Easy Laundry Detergent Recipe
I am going to make this over the weekend and try it out. I am tired of paying too much $ for detergent.
1 bar of Fels Naptha soap (finely grated)
1 cup of Borax
1 cup of Washing Soda
1/4 cup of Baking Soda
Store in air tight container, Use 2 Tablespoons in each load
Found this recipe here
1 bar of Fels Naptha soap (finely grated)
1 cup of Borax
1 cup of Washing Soda
1/4 cup of Baking Soda
Store in air tight container, Use 2 Tablespoons in each load
Found this recipe here
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Floor Time
I read and interesting article this week that alluded to the fact that "floor time" with toddlers can help with any unwanted behavioral issues. So, I did a little research to find out exactly what this "floor time" is, in order to ward off as many behavior problems as possible that our sweet, little one might try to pull.
First, floor time is used in behavior modification training for many children with autism or on the autism spectrum. Stanley Greenspan wrote a book about it.
Secondly, you can by a program to do it at home. Play Along With Me!™ is an active learning system that, through interactive, one on one playtime, strengthens adult/child bonding, a key ingredient for successful sensory development. It was especially designed to give you an active, hands-on role in the most vital aspects of your child's development.
Finally, floor time is basically playing on the floor with your child while letting them lead the time by following their cues. Offer your child items to play with and then do some roll play for them. Somebody from the University of Kentucky said, "With your playful attention, even if for only a short time each day, your child makes enormous strides. Through play she is creating a foundation of self-confidence, strong brain functioning, and the ability to get along with others—skills that will ensure her success in school and throughout life. Your time and love make all the difference in the world."
Maybe I should be a Play Therapist. That would be fun.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
“A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short.”
― Andre Maurois
― Andre Maurois
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Spring into Action

As spring approaches, I always feel the need to brighten and freshen the house. I love to buy a few flowers to plant outside and morning walks are a necessity. I love being outside and experiencing nature, but this year I have decided that recycling is a good way to show my appreciation for this beautiful world we live in. I have always recycled a little bit. I try to always pass along our used items for someone else to reuse, but lately I have felt like our trash was getting out of control. So, we are now using a recycling service to get the recyclables out of the trash dump.
B Green Recycling is owned by Beth Harris and offers convenient, efficient, and affordable recycling services for residential and commercial clients. It's easy to B Green when you can throw all the accepted items in a cute, green container and put it by the curb.
B Green Recycling accepts:
- plastic #1-7
- steel/tin cans
- aluminum
- clear and colored glass
- paper
- light cardboard
- corrugated cardboard
B Green Recycling
Friday, February 5, 2010
Organized Closets
I'm still searching the web for good pictures of organized storage. I found this awesome blog that pulled together some great closets.
Here is my favorite:
Here is my favorite:

Thursday, February 4, 2010
Organized Armoires
I am working with a client right now that has an amazing home, lots of armoires, and beautiful children. While trying to come up with a plan for all of her amazing armoires, I found this blog with lots of organized armoires. Perfection!
This is my favorite one!
This is my favorite one!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Making Decisions

So, we got the shaft with our trash service. They have just quit picking up trash in the area due to some unknown circumstances. We just figure they are going under. Who knows? So, this nice local company came around and picked up our trash and gave us a flyer with their info on it, in case we wanted to hire their trash service.
I call them and sign up. Well, the trash guy came back to my house and signed me up. I feel like such a sucker because I didn't even research this. Now I have already paid for 3 months of service, when I already paid my old company for this month. There hasn't been any resolution with our old company yet.
I always do this. I try to fix a problem quickly. I don't let things play out or take the time to research. I don't even know the new company's policies yet. How do I fix this problem. Maybe this situation will work out for the best in the end and I am very thankful that the new company came and picked up our overflowing trash, but I didn't feel settled about my decision.
Here are my steps to not make this type of mistake again:
1. Wait at least a week before I make a final decision. (I always do this with material purchases, but for problems or issues I always rush.)
2. Get my husband to take the lead on decisions I am struggling with a decision. (He gave his approval on this present decision, but I should have let him handle it.)
I call them and sign up. Well, the trash guy came back to my house and signed me up. I feel like such a sucker because I didn't even research this. Now I have already paid for 3 months of service, when I already paid my old company for this month. There hasn't been any resolution with our old company yet.
I always do this. I try to fix a problem quickly. I don't let things play out or take the time to research. I don't even know the new company's policies yet. How do I fix this problem. Maybe this situation will work out for the best in the end and I am very thankful that the new company came and picked up our overflowing trash, but I didn't feel settled about my decision.
Here are my steps to not make this type of mistake again:
1. Wait at least a week before I make a final decision. (I always do this with material purchases, but for problems or issues I always rush.)
2. Get my husband to take the lead on decisions I am struggling with a decision. (He gave his approval on this present decision, but I should have let him handle it.)
3. Call at least 3 places to get prices and info when purchasing something or hiring a service.
4. Pray (duh!)
5. Get advice from others.
Get Organized Month!
January is "Get Organized" month! I found this blog the other day and saw these two projects that rocked my world. I love the mudroom locker style cabinets and I know this would help organize jackets and bookbags so well.

I love the family calendar idea on the window. My mom and I are suckers for old frames and this is the perfect idea to reuse an old window/picture frame.

I love the family calendar idea on the window. My mom and I are suckers for old frames and this is the perfect idea to reuse an old window/picture frame.

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