So, we got the shaft with our trash service. They have just quit picking up trash in the area due to some unknown circumstances. We just figure they are going under. Who knows? So, this nice local company came around and picked up our trash and gave us a flyer with their info on it, in case we wanted to hire their trash service.
I call them and sign up. Well, the trash guy came back to my house and signed me up. I feel like such a sucker because I didn't even research this. Now I have already paid for 3 months of service, when I already paid my old company for this month. There hasn't been any resolution with our old company yet.
I always do this. I try to fix a problem quickly. I don't let things play out or take the time to research. I don't even know the new company's policies yet. How do I fix this problem. Maybe this situation will work out for the best in the end and I am very thankful that the new company came and picked up our overflowing trash, but I didn't feel settled about my decision.
Here are my steps to not make this type of mistake again:
1. Wait at least a week before I make a final decision. (I always do this with material purchases, but for problems or issues I always rush.)
2. Get my husband to take the lead on decisions I am struggling with a decision. (He gave his approval on this present decision, but I should have let him handle it.)
3. Call at least 3 places to get prices and info when purchasing something or hiring a service.
4. Pray (duh!)
5. Get advice from others.