I read and interesting article this week that alluded to the fact that "floor time" with toddlers can help with any unwanted behavioral issues. So, I did a little research to find out exactly what this "floor time" is, in order to ward off as many behavior problems as possible that our sweet, little one might try to pull.
First, floor time is used in behavior modification training for many children with autism or on the autism spectrum. Stanley Greenspan wrote a book about it.
Secondly, you can by a program to do it at home. Play Along With Me!™ is an active learning system that, through interactive, one on one playtime, strengthens adult/child bonding, a key ingredient for successful sensory development. It was especially designed to give you an active, hands-on role in the most vital aspects of your child's development.
Finally, floor time is basically playing on the floor with your child while letting them lead the time by following their cues. Offer your child items to play with and then do some roll play for them. Somebody from the University of Kentucky said, "With your playful attention, even if for only a short time each day, your child makes enormous strides. Through play she is creating a foundation of self-confidence, strong brain functioning, and the ability to get along with others—skills that will ensure her success in school and throughout life. Your time and love make all the difference in the world."
Maybe I should be a Play Therapist. That would be fun.