For the past year, I have been cutting my dryer sheets in half because I kept reading that you really only need half of one to do the job well. So, that has been a great way to save a few dollars on laundry. However, I just realized that the same idea would work for paper towels. You can buy the select-a-size towels and that is what I have being doing. They last so much longer that way. But, I made a huge mistake and thought I was saving money by using a coupon on a roll of expensive paper towels. I really didn't save myself any money because they were still too much and they were single sheets. So, I unrolled about 10 sheets the other day and cut them in half vertically and then rolled them back up. Now it doesn't look really neat, but it works. I am determined to get my money out of these paper towels.

Another fabulous money saver that I was reminded of over the weekend is the "All You" magazine from Walmart. You can go to www.allyou.com for coupons, plus there are $83 worth of coupons in the magazine itself that only costs $2 or so. The coupons are great ones too, not your regular Sunday paper coupons.
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